Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Airport Security

Airport Security: (What a joke ... and ill conceived)

It never ceases to amaze me how people, especially so called experts, never take the next step. They see a problem, address the issue with an ill conceived solution and call it a day.

If they really wanted to do the job right, all people passing through an exterior door at an airport should be body scanned, patted down, checked with a wand or be otherwise violated in public. Should a terrorist choose to do so, it is much more logical (and easier) to walk into a crowded airport with a bomb than it is to go through the hassles of getting a bomb onto a flight.
Think about it...A dozen terrorists walk through the front door with briefcase bombs, set them down, walk away, and kaboom...hundreds of innocent men, women and children, dead or dying..No need to blow themselves up, instant gratification for a job well done and they can do it time and again because they are still alive...Opps, I forgot, they want their 99 virgins....But hey, With all of those guys and gals blowing themselves up in the name of "what ever the cause", they must surely have run out of willing virgins by now.

How long do you think that pat downs would continue if all politicians were required to identify themselves to the airport security guys and gals every time they fly. (either on business or with their families and their children)..then be patted down in public view. (Their entire family including their babies, small children, wives  and teenage daughters.)

Yes, we need security measures in place, but child and female molestation in the name of a poorly conceived security policy?...Fire the poorly trained security agency and let the military do it, they have more experience with actual bomb detection than does any private security company.

One last thought... The terrorists must be laughing...especially since they have no respect for women or children...Ha...


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Future is now


Koyannisqatsi is Life out of Balance
Powaqqatsi is Life in Transformation
Naqoyqatsi is Life as War

So, if life is out of balance, in transformation and is at war, what happened to the beginning of life?

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Warriors 2


Warriors are mythical creatures of legend whose destiny is not to rule but to serve; Not to over power and conquer but to protect. A warrior may be a man, a woman or a child and all heed the call to greatness through servitude to a just cause. A warrior may be a legend or a myth but a warrior will never be without a cause as our need for the warrior is great and continuous.

Measure of a Man

The measure of a man is based upon:
1 - How deep his knee will bend to help the helpless
2 - How far he will travel to protect those in need of his protection
3 - The equality of his compassion
4 - The depth of his love for his family
5 - The measure of his commitment to and equality in morality

The measure of a man is not based upon:
1 - The thickness of his wallet
2 - The peaks to which he may climb
3 - The voice which he uses to proclaim himself
4 - His charitable acts that bring him reward.
5 - His mighty prowess

Country Measures

The measure of a country is:
1 - How well they protect their vulnerable citizens
2 - The equality of their citizens
3 - The equality of application of law to its citizens
4 - The equality of the education of its citizens

The measure of a country does not depend upon:
1 - The type of government
2 - The countries international status
3 - The countries influence abroad
4 - The countries military might


The promised land:

Over 5,000 years ago, Moses said to the children of Israel, "Pick up your shovels, mount your asses and camels, and I will lead you to the promised land."

Nearly 75 years ago when welfare was introduced, William Lyon MacKenzie King , of Canada, said "Lay down your shovels, sit on your asses, and light up a Camel, this IS the "Promised Land".

Now, the primier of ONtario has stolen the shovels, taxed your asses, raised the price of Camels, and mortgaged the Promised Land.

Last night I was thinking about Health care plans, the economy, the wars, lost jobs, savings, food quality, social security, retirement funds, HST, eco taxes, Enviro taxes, Hydro One increases, smart meters, delivery charges etc....I called Lifeline...Got a freakin call centre in Pakistan...Told them I was suicidal.....They got all excited and asked if I could drive a truck.