Saturday, December 24, 2011


Hated Jews

Hates Portuguese

They seem to be the only ones he deports. Once in power, Harper began, as he had promised, to deport illegal workers. Among them, most notoriously, were Portuguese tradesmen doing skilled labour in the Toronto construction industry, some of whom had been in Canada for more than a decade and had school-aged children-people, one might say, with a commitment to precisely those work-ethic and heterosexual-family values Harper had extolled during the election campaign.

Heil !

P.S. If you are not man enough to tackle the big problems I guess you can also show how big a man you are by picking on the little guy.


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

2011 - Year of the Dictators

Tunisia  - President Zine El Abidine - Fled to Saudi Arabia
Algeria - Lifted 19 year old military crackdown
Jordan - King Abdullah II dismisses Prime Minister Rifai and his cabinet Months later, Abdullah dismisses Prime Minister Bakhit and his cabinet after complaints of slow progress on promised reforms
Egypt - President Hosni Mubarak - Gone
Yemen - President Ali Abdullah Saleh ?
Libya - Muammar Gaddafi - Gone
Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir - Going
Iraq - Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki - Going

I think you get the idea.

Now for Canada, Eh?


An Eye for an Eye

A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history. An "eye for an eye" only ends up making the whole world blind.


I have called this post "Humanity" for just one reason, we all do this, politicians more so than others. The problem is greatest when a countries leader does this.

This particular post though goes out mainly to Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan who seems hell bent to once again prove that politicians are all about themselves. It is reported that he is discussing bringing the Taliban into the government fold. The very same Taliban the world just fought for 10 years to boot out of power mostly because of their treatment (very bad treatment) of women. (among other humanitarian "infractions".)

So, to Hamid and all those other wannabe's out there I give you this piece of advice if you wish to remain in power or come to power:

"You cannot garner votes with one by breaking faith with others"


P.S. It would now seem that even the U.S. of A. has a leader who is also 'courting" the Taliban....Perhaps before he continues talking to the Taliban, he should talk to the mothers and fathers and brothers and sisters of those U.S. soldiers who paid with their lives, only to be betrayed by their President.

The "P" Word


His Shadow

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Question of Existance

To question your religion is to question your own existence.

To question those teaching that religion is to question someone else's interpretation of your religion

To permit someone else to tell you how to believe is to give up your right to have faith.