Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Tick Toc

In 2005, almost 1.4 billion people lived below the international poverty line, earning less than $1.25 per day.
 - By 10:33 a.m. the business elite had already racked up $39,998, based on an average annual salary

Every day, almost 16,000 children die from hunger-related causes--one child every five seconds.
 - By 10:33 a.m. the business elite had already racked up $39,998, based on an average annual salary

Poor nutrition and calorie deficiencies cause nearly one in three people to die prematurely or have disabilities
By 10:33 a.m. the business elite had already racked up $39,998, based on an average annual salary

In 2006, about 9.7 million children died before they reached their fifth birthday. Almost all of these deaths occured in developing countries, 4/5 of them in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, the two regions that also suffer from the highest rates of hunger and malnutrition. 10
 - By 10:33 a.m. the business elite had already racked up $39,998, based on an average annual salary

List of the worlds Billionaires
Send them an email, and say thanks....for nothing!!

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