Saturday, May 15, 2010


The word hero is far too often used to describe a person of celebrity status such as a hockey player or musician or actor. Such association to a true hero raises their status in the eyes of the masses but cheapens the true acts or heroism. A true hero or heroine is a person noted for feats of courage or nobility of purpose, especially one who has risked or sacrificed his or her life.

This blog has many images of real heroes but not one of a false hero...There is a reason for that.....They just don't fit in...A person of courage or nobility of purpose may be this man...

or perhaps this one

Or, perhaps even this woman

The thing to remember about heroes is that they gave their all for what they believed in, or simply reacted to a situation in an heroic manner. No one who tries to become a hero really does, and those who have heroism thrust upon them, too often die in becoming one. Perhaps then, to be a true hero is to stumble into this category of higher selfless acts or die trying to achieve the impossible for the greater good of man, or one individual.

All soldiers in the Afghanistan mission are treated as heroes by the Canadian people with a special place in their hearts for those who died during that mission. None of these men and women wanted to die, but die they did trying to accomplish an impossible task. They were sent there by a government that does not understand either the mission or the people they sent to do the job. The individuals in that mission understand their purpose, and in spite of the odds against success, do their best to succeed, even if it means dying.

And that attempt meets the definition of a hero in all sense of the definition. Each member of the mission is a hero as they exceed the criteria for becoming a hero whose "feats of courage and nobility of purpose, and especially one who has risked or sacrificed his or her life.", have done this hopefully for the betterment of man.

So the next time you hear of another soldier being driven down the "highway of heroes", remember, that individual gave everything they had, and came home a true hero.

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