Saturday, December 24, 2011


Hated Jews

Hates Portuguese

They seem to be the only ones he deports. Once in power, Harper began, as he had promised, to deport illegal workers. Among them, most notoriously, were Portuguese tradesmen doing skilled labour in the Toronto construction industry, some of whom had been in Canada for more than a decade and had school-aged children-people, one might say, with a commitment to precisely those work-ethic and heterosexual-family values Harper had extolled during the election campaign.

Heil !

P.S. If you are not man enough to tackle the big problems I guess you can also show how big a man you are by picking on the little guy.


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

2011 - Year of the Dictators

Tunisia  - President Zine El Abidine - Fled to Saudi Arabia
Algeria - Lifted 19 year old military crackdown
Jordan - King Abdullah II dismisses Prime Minister Rifai and his cabinet Months later, Abdullah dismisses Prime Minister Bakhit and his cabinet after complaints of slow progress on promised reforms
Egypt - President Hosni Mubarak - Gone
Yemen - President Ali Abdullah Saleh ?
Libya - Muammar Gaddafi - Gone
Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir - Going
Iraq - Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki - Going

I think you get the idea.

Now for Canada, Eh?


An Eye for an Eye

A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history. An "eye for an eye" only ends up making the whole world blind.


I have called this post "Humanity" for just one reason, we all do this, politicians more so than others. The problem is greatest when a countries leader does this.

This particular post though goes out mainly to Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan who seems hell bent to once again prove that politicians are all about themselves. It is reported that he is discussing bringing the Taliban into the government fold. The very same Taliban the world just fought for 10 years to boot out of power mostly because of their treatment (very bad treatment) of women. (among other humanitarian "infractions".)

So, to Hamid and all those other wannabe's out there I give you this piece of advice if you wish to remain in power or come to power:

"You cannot garner votes with one by breaking faith with others"


P.S. It would now seem that even the U.S. of A. has a leader who is also 'courting" the Taliban....Perhaps before he continues talking to the Taliban, he should talk to the mothers and fathers and brothers and sisters of those U.S. soldiers who paid with their lives, only to be betrayed by their President.

The "P" Word


His Shadow

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Question of Existance

To question your religion is to question your own existence.

To question those teaching that religion is to question someone else's interpretation of your religion

To permit someone else to tell you how to believe is to give up your right to have faith.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The right of one.

If we are all so busy protecting the rights of the individual, who is protecting the rights of the masses.

If a constitutional challenge can be won by the rights of an individual to drive intoxicated without being harshly penalized, who is protecting the rights of the rest of us to proceed with a reasonable expectation of not being run down by a drunk driver?

Only in Canada you say!
Canadian Law, Eh!

Sunday, November 27, 2011


1- If one side of the brain is for loigic and the other is for art, an assumption must then be developed in the thin line between the two halves. Perhaps that is why an assumption is of little use as it is neither logical nor artistic. An assumption must then be a thought devoid of purpose.
2- An asumption is not based on fact nor is it based on a desire to create.
3- An assumption is a thought not well thought out

Think Big or be Small

A Taliban fighter or any other religious zealot thinks with a small
mind and accomplishes nothing while a mind that
thinks big will accomplish great things.



1 + 1 = 2
3 + 3 = 6
1 +1 + 1 = 3
3 + 3 + 3 = 9

Have you ever noticed that adding 2 odd numbers always
equals an even number and that adding an odd number of
odd numbers will always equal an odd number?

Sunday, November 6, 2011



The soldier stood and faced God,
Which must always come to pass.
He hoped his shoes were shining,
Just as brightly as his brass.

'Step forward now, you soldier,
How shall I deal with you ?
Have you always turned the other cheek ?
To My Church have you been true?'

The soldier squared his shoulders and said,
'No, Lord, I guess I ain't.
Because those of us who carry guns,
Can't always be a saint.

I've had to work most Sundays,
And at times my talk was tough.
And sometimes I've been violent,
Because the world is awfully rough.

But, I never took a penny,
That wasn't mine to keep...
Though I worked a lot of overtime,
When the bills got just too steep.

And I never passed a cry for help,
Though at times I shook with fear.
And sometimes, God, forgive me,
I've wept unmanly tears.

I know I don't deserve a place,
Among the people here.
They never wanted me around,
Except to calm their fears.

If you've a place for me here, Lord,
It needn't be so grand.
I never expected or had too much,
But if you don't, I'll understand.

There was a silence all around the throne,
Where the saints had often trod.
As the soldier waited quietly,
For the judgment of his God.

'Step forward now, you soldier,
You've borne your burdens well.
Walk peacefully on Heaven's streets,

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Womens rights in Afghanistan

Wolf in sheeps clothing

A new law passed by the Afghan parliament that reportedly legalizes marital rape, among other measures, is just an attempt by President Hamid Karzai to win the favour of extremists, say critics.

Say What ?

As stated on the official website of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community which has been in existance since 1889:

"Islam, a name given by Allah to this religion (Quran 5:4), is an Arabic word which literally means obedience and peace. ISLAM is derived from the Arabic root "SALEMA": peace, purity, submission and obedience. So 'Islam' would mean the path of those who are obedient to Allah and who establish peace with Him and His creatures. Its follower are called Muslims."

If Islam means obedience and peace and who establish peace and mean the path of those who are obedient with Him and His creatures, would that not mean that followers of Islam should be a peaceful group of people who would also be at peace with all of His creatures INCLUDING women?

It would seem that women are not considered as creatures of His as they receive only brutality and murderous intent from the men who would follow the teachings of Islam.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Democracy ?

Mullah McGuinty !
Send him to Libya...he would fit right in either as a dictator or a Mullah.

As a democratically elected official of Canada he planned on allowing Sharia law to be part of the democratic law of the land that protects, among other things, womens rights. The fact that he later rescinded his support for Sharia law simply indicates his inability to function on a world stage, inability to grasp the notion that women matter, and had once again, made a serious mistake in judgement. Obviously political aspirations and votes far outweight womens rights in the eyes of the Priemier of Ontario.

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Islamist Spring
Summer of Strife
Fall of Women's Rights
Winter of Discontent


Arab Spring
Fall of Tyrants
Winter of Discontent

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Wall Street Greed

Greed is defined as an excessive desire to possess wealth, goods, or abstract things of value with the intention to keep it for one's self. Greed is an inappropriate expectation. However, greed is applied to a very excessive or rapacious desire and pursuit of wealth, status, and power.

Wall Street greed is defined as those who seek to control everything by contributing nothing, creating nothing, and leaving nothing.

A Wall Street player is one who is too lazy to work, to arrogant to bend, too selfish to share and is too simple minded to actually accomplish anything of value. In other words, those who work on Wall Street are duds.

Wall Street players, by the definition of greed, are a sick lot suffering from an addiction and a mental illness which no matter their wealth or power, will always leave them wanting. They will never be cured of this illness as there is no legal way to treat their illness.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wall Street

The magnitude of the arrogance of Wall Street and the extremely wealthy is unprecedented, unwarranted and unimaginable with no end to their avarice being in sight.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Wall Street

Talk and demonstrate all you want,
nothing will change
It's their wall

Monday, October 3, 2011


How Big is Walmart?

This should boggle your mind!! And Probably scare you as well!
1. At Wal-Mart, Americans spend $36,000,000 every hour of every day.
2. This works out to $20,928 profit every minute!
3. Wal-Mart will sell more from January1 to St. Patrick's Day (March 17th) than Target sells all year.
4. Wal-Mart is bigger than Home Depot + Kroger + Target + Sears +Costco + K-Mart combined.
5. Wal-Mart employs 1.6 million people and is the largest private employer, and most can't speak English.
6. Wal-Mart is the largest company in the history of the world.
7. Wal-Mart now sells more food than Kroger & Safeway combined,keep in mind they did this in only15 years.
8. During this same period, 31 supermarket chains sought bankruptcy.
9. Wal-Mart now sells more food than any other store in the world.
10. Wal-Mart has approx 3,900 stores in the USA of which 1,906 are Super Centers; this is1,000 more than it had 5 years ago.
11. This year, 7.2 billion different purchasing experiences will occur At a Wal-Mart store. (Earth's population is approximately 6.5 billion.)
12. 90% of all Americans live within15 miles of a Wal-Mart.
13. The value of product for Wal-Mart passing through the port of San Diego each year is a larger sum than 93% of ALL countries Gross National Product (GNP).....and that is only ONE port way that's how Wal-Mart gets it's stuff.

And now, the really scary stuff:
14. Of the 1.6 million employees, only 1.2% make a living above the poverty level.
15. Wal-Mart's head office is located and centralized in Bentonville. Due to this fact, there are more millionaires per square mile there than any place on Earth.
16. The official U.S. Government position is that Wal-Mart's prices are no lower than anyone else's when compared to a typical families weekly purchases. That's the view of the statisticians at the Bureau Of Labor Statistics (BLS) responsible for calculating the Consumer Price Index (CPI).
17. An estimated 92% of everything Wal-Mart sells, comes from China. Another 4% comes from Chinese owned companies in the U.S. or in 3rd world Countries.
18. Wal-Mart and MOST large companies, take out life insurance on it's employees, without their knowing. If an employee dies, ALL the insurance moneys go to the companies. I.e. An employee making $18,000 per year, dies, and the company might make as much as $1 million. Most often these moneys, coming from what is commonly referred to as "Dead Peasant Life Insurance Policies", is paid out to executives as bonuses. (A common practice, unknown by the average consumer).
19. Wal-Mart now averages a "profit" (not sales) of $36 billion per year.
20. Let Wal-Mart bail out Wall Street. If not, consider shopping someplace else.
If we closed all the Wal-mart stores would China go bankrupt?????????

Christian Values

Pray if you want to!

CBS and Katie Couric must be in a panic and rushing to reassure the White House that this is not network policy--re: Andy Rooney's commentary on prayer.

Folks, this is the year that we RE-TAKE AMERICA and CANADA

Andy Rooney and Prayer
Andy Rooney says:

I don't believe in Santa Claus, but I'm not going to sue somebody for singing a Ho-Ho-Ho song in December I don't agree with Darwin , but I didn't go out and hire a lawyer when my high school teacher taught his Theory of Evolution.

Life, liberty or your pursuit of happiness will not be endangered because someone says a 30-second prayer before a football game. So what's the big deal? It's not like somebody is up there reading the entire Book of Acts.

They're just talking to a God they believe in and asking him to grant safety to the players on the field and the fans going home from the game. But it's a Christian prayer, some will argue. Yes, and this is the United States of America and Canada, countries founded on Christian principles. According to our very own phone book,
Christian churches outnumber all others better than 200-to-1. So what would you expect -- somebody chanting Hare Krishna?

If I went to a football game in Jerusalem, I would expect to hear a Jewish prayer. If I went to a soccer game in Baghdad, I would expect to hear a Muslim prayer.

If I went to a ping pong match in China, I would expect to hear someone pray to Buddha. And I wouldn't be offended. It wouldn't bother me one bit. When in Rome.....

But what about the atheists? Is another argument. What about them? Nobody is asking them to be baptized. We're not going topass the collection plate. Just humor us for 30 seconds. If that's asking too much, bring a Walkman or a pair of ear plugs. Go to the bathroom. Visit the concession stand. Call your lawyer!

Unfortunately, one or two will make that call. One or two will tell thousands what they can and cannot do. I don't think a short prayer at a football game is going to shake the worlds foundations.

Christians are just sick and tired of turning the other cheek while our courts strip us of all our rights. Our parents and grandparents taught us to pray before eating, to pray before we go to sleep. Our Bible tells us to pray without ceasing. Now a handful of people and their lawyers are telling us to cease praying.

God, help us. And if that last sentence offends you, well, just sue me. The silent majority has been silent too long. It's time we tell that one or two who scream loud enough to be heard that the vast majority doesn't care what they want. It is time that the majority rules! It's time we tell them, "You don't have to pray; you don't have to say the Pledge of Allegiance; you don't have to believe in God or attend services that honor Him.

That is your right, and we will honor your right; but by golly, you are no longer going to take our rights away. We are fighting back, and we WILL WIN!"

God bless us one and all...Especially those who denounce Him, God bless America and Canada, despite all our faults, We are still the greatest nations of all. God bless our service men who are fighting to protect our right to pray and worship God.

Let's make 2011 the year the silent majority is heard and we put God back as the foundation of our families and institutions. And our military forces come home from all the wars.

Keep looking up

Friday, September 30, 2011

A voice in the Wilderness

Meena Keshwar Kamal
(Pashto/Persian: مینا کشور کمال),
(February 27, 1956 – February 4, 1987)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Man's Folly - Man's Salvation



Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Eyes of Hope

But only if she survives the Taliban

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Monday, September 19, 2011


Ok...The Taliban are afraid of all females....

Such brave men with BIG guns afraid of unarmed women....
Ha Haa Haaa Haaaaaaaaaaaaa

Buffalo Cricket

Taliban Fighter

They are also afraid of this woman

Taliban Fighter

The Taliban are afraid of this little girl.
Will power v/s Guns
Brains v/s Braun
Hope v/s Terrorism

Saturday, September 17, 2011

War Machines


Things we can do without

Spin Doctors

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Womens rights in Afganistan

Taliban Tamer

Lt.-Col. Kakar – daughter of a cop, sister to five cops – was the first female police detective and highest-ranking policewoman in southern Afghanistan. Against all odds, she had risen to the top of the law enforcement hierarchy in Kandahar city, unsoiled by the corruption that had caused eight of her police chiefs to be fired.

"People have small, narrow minds," she said. "It will take a long time for many people to accept (females) in this position. But I want to show other women that it can be done, even here in Kandahar."

Sunday, September 11, 2011


"I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve"
Isoroku Yamamoto

Sunday, September 4, 2011


Harper's Tories say they're 'natural governing party'
Ha Haaa Haaaaaa Haaaaaa

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


"love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear.
Optimism is better than despair.
So lets be loving, hopeful and optimistic.
And we'll change the world."


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Child Pornographers

Oppps....Forgot about Him....!!

1929 Crash

There are so many people and companies tinkering with the economy trying to squeeze more and more profit from the markets that they will soon lose it all to an economic down turn and global depression. This post is not refering to the 29 crash.

The Coin

‎15 year old girl holds hands with her 1 year old son. People call her a sl*t, no one knows she was raped at 13. People call another Girl fat. No one knows she has a serious disease causing her to be overweight . People call an old man ugly. No one knew he had a serious injury to his face while fighting for your country. Repost this if you are against bullying and stereotyping. I bet 89% of you won't.

Thursday, August 4, 2011


There goes the neighbourhood

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Someone always gets left behind.

Sex Offenders

Sex offendors have the right to:
Be punshed
Be imprisoned
Be publicly exposed
Be listed as dangerous offendors
Have all of their social rights taken away
Rot in jail

Their victims have the right to:
See justice done
Be awarded the the perps financial assets
To be heard
To decide the perps fate

The families of sex offenders should have the right to:
Immediate legal seperation
Immediate uncontested sole custody of offspring

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Land Developers

Developers eat a different type of lettuce...for now....

Saturday, July 23, 2011

All Done

Bye Bye Harry

Monday, July 11, 2011


Anti-hijab teacher killed in Russia’s Muslim south.
Ban the Bra

Monday, July 4, 2011