Thursday, November 3, 2011

Say What ?

As stated on the official website of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community which has been in existance since 1889:

"Islam, a name given by Allah to this religion (Quran 5:4), is an Arabic word which literally means obedience and peace. ISLAM is derived from the Arabic root "SALEMA": peace, purity, submission and obedience. So 'Islam' would mean the path of those who are obedient to Allah and who establish peace with Him and His creatures. Its follower are called Muslims."

If Islam means obedience and peace and who establish peace and mean the path of those who are obedient with Him and His creatures, would that not mean that followers of Islam should be a peaceful group of people who would also be at peace with all of His creatures INCLUDING women?

It would seem that women are not considered as creatures of His as they receive only brutality and murderous intent from the men who would follow the teachings of Islam.

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