Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Canada, October 22nd, 2014

Now isn't that a fish in your face. After many foolish attempts at being someone who really mattered on the world stage the Prime Minister of Canada must now face the probability of continued attacks on Canadian soil by extremist nut bars.... The current Prime Minister of Canada has for too many years considered his image to be worth more than the values Canadians have held dear for decades. Peace Keepers, generous, open arms held out to immigrants, non-violent.

Now, thanks to the Prime Minister's unrelenting quest for glory, he has changed the way the world sees Canada and Canadians; he has closed Canadian doors on the worlds diverse nature; and he has badgered his party into a goon squad approach toward world issues.

The Prime Minister is past his prime, has damaged Canada for all time, and he should resign. Being the coward that he is, the bully that he is, he should take a lesson from malala yousafzai. Stand up and be counted, but do it right. Coward that he is, he cancelled her appointment with a rare Canadian honour, Canadian Citizenship, so he could cowar in some remote dark place behind a security wall. Malala Yousafzai had no wall to protect her yet here she stands.

Shame on you Mr. Harper...

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