Wednesday, July 29, 2015

The Three Amigos

Let’s cut through the crap !

As a Canadian Citizen it is not just your right to vote, it is your responsibility to cut through the crap and ask yourself and your candidates the really tough questions. A lazy voter will always get the government they deserve. An informed voter who does their homework will get the government they want.
Things you should be asking yourself during this 2015 Federal election campaign include: 

1 – Who has the nicest hair?
2 – Which party indulges the most in cyber bullying? (Attack ads)
3 – Which party has delivered a consistent positive message?
4 – Which party has fed at the trough the most?
5 – Which party is most represented in the senate spending scandal?
6 – Which party do you think will get the most support from seniors?
7 – Which party do you think will get the most support from the military?
8 – Which party do you think will have the most civil service support?
9 – Which party is more interested in Canadians than themselves?
10 – Which leader leads their party, which one demands that the party do as it is told?
11 – Which leader is the most passionate about what they are saying?
12 - Which party has spoken out the most about environmental protection?
And last but not least, which party is playing on your fears so you will choose them over the other candidate parties?
Elections should not be won based on:
1  - Fear mongering.
2 - Because your party has more money to spend on campaigns than the other guy.
3 - Because you think someone has nice hair.

Elections should be won based on:
1 - Your commitment to the environment (we need to breath)
2 - Your commitment to a strong economy (have a plan, and state it in public, let us decide its merit)
3 - Your parties and members adherence to the law (all law, not just those which suit your purpose)
4 - Your commitment to the people, not the party, or worse, yourself and your ego.
5 - Your protection of those in the vulnerable sectors
6 - Your commitment to those you send into battle
Remember, numbers don't lie, but liars use numbers. And one last thing, opinion polls are just that, opinions. Don't let someone else sell you their opinion, make up your own mind.

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